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发布时间:2010-04-12   浏览次数:   来源:北医三院成(整)形外科

【英文篇名】Study on the application method of EGF to promote wound healing

【作者中文名】谷廷敏; 王玉舟; 孙志刚; 刘建春; 杨建民; 牛星焘; 陈东明;

【作者英文名】Gu Tingmin; Niu Xingtao; Wang Yuzhou; et al The Center of Plastic Surgery; the Third Affiliated Hospital of Beijing Medical University; Beijing 100083;


【文献出处】现代中西医结合杂志, , 编辑部邮箱 2001年 05期

期刊荣誉:ASPT来源刊 CJFD收录刊

【关键词】表皮生长因子; 创面愈合; 用药方法;

【英文关键词】epidermal growth factor wound healing application method;

【摘要】目的 :探讨不同 EGF用药方法对创面愈合的影响 ,进一步理解创面愈合的机制。方法 :以大鼠为模型 ,于大鼠后背取中厚皮创面 4个 ,分 EGF早期用药组、EGF晚期用药组、EGF持续用药组和对照组 ,观察 EGF用药方法对创面愈合的影响。结果 :应用 EGF后创面愈合速度加快 ,持续用药方法优于早期或晚期用药方法。结论 :通过组织学和超微结构的观察 ,揭示了创面修复的机理和 EGF的作用。

【英文摘要】Objective: It is to explore the effect of different application method of EGF on wound healing. Methods: Four partial-thickness skin wounds were made on the dorsum of rat and each of the wound was given different application method of EGF: early application method, late application method, persistant application method and control method. Results: EGF can promote the speed of wound healing, persistant application method is better than the early application or the late application method. Conclusion: The mec…



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